Title: Yah Bauk Chun Wah Hai Bpai (Don’t Tell Me to Leave)
Artist: Chin Chinawut
Pbroht top tuan bproht hen jai
Please reconsider, please have sympathy on me
Hahk yeua yai tur nun yung mee hai gun
If you still have feelings for me
Yah rit raun kwahm sumpun
Don’t sever our ties
Lop nah gun yahng nee mun dai arai
And avoid each other, what does this get us?
Yah bauk chun wah hai bpai yah pluk sai dai reu bplao
Don’t tell me to leave, don’t push me away, okay?
Kwahm ruk rawahng rao nun yung mai teung krao dtaung dern jahk gun
The love between us still hasn’t reached the moment when we must separate
Hai dtua chun dai pisoot hai kao jai wah chun nun ruk tur tao rai
Let me prove it to you, understand how much I love you
Yah jai rai gern bpai na tur
Don’t be so cruel
Mai kao jai het pon dai
I don’t understand the reason
Tum hai tur dtaung choey lae chah yahng nee
That’s making you so indifferent like this
Yah ngiap bpai bauk chun tee
Don’t be silent, tell me
Hahk mai dee gor praum ja gae dtua
If I’m no good, I’m ready to fix myself
Yung mai praum tum jai yah jai rai gern bpai na tur
I’m still not ready to accpet it, don’t be so cruel